Update a persons manager status

Update a persons manager status

Update a person's manager status

Last Updated: May 16, 2016 01:02PM EDT
Subsection: Data Tracking
Package: Communication, Basic Plus, Premier
Difficulty: Easy


To understand how to add update a person to manager status within Pilera. This can also be used to revoke manager status to someone. 


​If the person is already in the community you can update them to be a manager by clicking on the blue emoticon and pressing the edit profile button in the top right corner. That will bring up a window where you can edit any information. In the type drop down menu you can select manager to give them manager access. Update the information.


Changing a persons type within Pilera is extremely easy and can used to make them managers, tenants, and many other types. Use this to both grant and revoke certain capabilities to people within Pilera.